The by-line of “The Calling of Jubilee Primary School” states that we are a Living Vision of Local Churches. We are an ecumenical Brisbane Catholic Education school, which is a living vision of local northern Gold Coast churches. At all times we aspire to be an expression of the unity and diversity of Christianity through a co-operative educational environment among the Christian churches.
We recognize and celebrate the unique talents of each student as a child of God’s creation. We promote excellence in learning within a compassionate and caring atmosphere at all times recognizing that all-important relationship between the key stakeholders; students, parents, staff and the wider community.
As an ecumenical community we respect the uniqueness of each child and strive to promote equity and excellence for all children. We have a shared vision for quality teaching and learning that combines contemporary pedagogy with open and effective communication.
Jubilee actualizes co-operation between the participating churches to ground our expression of Christian unity with a diversity of Christian traditions through the Religious Life of the School encompassing prayer, celebration, worship and the religion education curriculum thus seeking to promote quality learning within an ecumenical culture.
The school community of Jubilee offers an environment where we strive to develop among all stakeholders a sense of self- affirmation, social awareness, integrity, responsibility and sensitivity towards the needs of others. We provide an outreach to the wider community through our network of pastoral care.
We aspire to remain true to our School motto of “Faith, Learning and Unity” by embracing the BCEO Religion Curriculum whilst at all times maintaining respect to each of our Covenant Churches.