Jubilee iCentre: Read. Think. Connect. Our mission is to facilitate a dynamic space that contributes to a centre of information, inquiry, innovation and instructional excellence for the Jubilee Community. The iCentre empowers each student to understand and use technology in a discerning and critical way, to effectively access, process and communicate information in a global society whose knowledge base is expanding exponentially.
Our iCentre supports and provides direction for productive pedagogies through resource-based learning. We work collaboratively with teachers to ensure that ICTs, information literacy skills and higher order thinking skills are embedded in our learning and teaching.
It is equipped with multi-purpose reading and research areas, multi-media facilities, and an extensive collection of digital and print resources. The iCentre catalogue is web based and therefore can be readily accessed via the internet within and outside the school.
The iCentre provides a welcoming and stimulating environment where the love of reading and creative literary pursuits can be fostered.
We have a growing collection of Junior Fiction books. .
Feel free to come in and talk to our friendly staff.